最新防疫公告 Latest Epidemic Prevention Announcement - 元培學生事務處


最新防疫公告 Latest Epidemic Prevention Announcement



Latest Epidemic Prevention Announcement


May 15th, 110 (Saturday)


In response to the severe epidemic in Taiwan, the school will implement the following epidemic prevention measures from now on. All faculty members and students please cooperate with all the implement plans.

課程與實習 Courses and Internships

  • 本校自110年5月17日(週一)至110年5月30日(週日),所有課程採用「學生不到教室線上上課、教師到校線上授課」線上教學模式進行。

From May 17th, 2011 (Monday) to May 30th, 2011 (Sunday), all courses at our school will adopt the online teaching method which "students attend the online classes without coming to classrooms, while teachers come to the school to teach online".

  • 為確保實習學生安全,即日起至110年5月30日(週日),暫停至醫院或機構的實習,啟動實習替代方案或延後實習,實習課程開課系所請主動通知學生,並請各系妥善進行後續輔導。

In order to ensure the safety of intern students, from now until May 30th, 2011 (Sunday), the internships in hospitals or institutions will be temporarily halted, whereas alternative internship programs will be initiated or the internships will be postponed. Departments that offer the internship programs please take the initiative to inform the students, and properly conduct more follow-up guidance.

  • 畢業考實體考試取消,請老師採取線上考試或其他替代方案。

The graduation exams in paper-and-pen test forms in classrooms are cancelled. Teachers please adopt plans of online tests or other alternatives.

  • 勞作教育課程暫停實施。

Manual training courses will be temporarily canceled.

活動與計畫 Activities and Projects

  • 原定110年5月22日(週六)校園開放日活動取消辦理。

The event of the Open Campus Day scheduled on May 22nd, 2021 (Saturday) will be canceled.

  • 校內外志工訓練、學生社團及諮商中心(除留言板線上活動外)活動皆暫停辦理。

All activities of volunteer training on and off campus, student clubs and the counseling centers (except for the online activities on message boards) will no longer proceed for the time being.

  • 諮商中心個別諮商改為電話諮詢或線上諮商,有輔導需求者,請先電話聯繫各系輔導老師。

Individual consultations at the counseling centers will be changed to telephone consultations or online consultations. For those who need counseling, please contact the counselors of each department by phone first.

  • 惜珠蛻變陽光計畫的學習存摺繳交截止日期順延至110年6月18日(週五),詳情請洽各輔導主題之承辦單位。

The deadline for submitting the study books of the Cherish Pearl Transformation Sunshine Project will be postponed to June 18th, 2011 (Friday). For details, please contact the theme organizer of each department.

宿舍管理 Dormitory Management

  • 宿舍維持正常作息。

Students will maintain the regular schedules at the dormitories.

  • 住宿生請每天量測體溫,並加強自我健康管理措施。

The dormitory residents please take the body temperature every day and enhance the self-health management measures.

  • 欲延長外宿(返家)的住宿生,請主動儘速與宿舍幹部聯繫。

For students who want to extend the period of staying outside the dormitory (returning home), please first actively contact the dormitory cadres as soon as possible

校園管制 Campus Control

  • 即日起本校實施校園門禁,謝絕校外訪客。

From now on, our school will implement campus access control, and visitors from outside the school are not allowed to enter.

  • 公務車輛及校內人員進入校園前,採實聯制並量測體溫,體溫37.5°C以上者禁入校區。

Before official vehicles and school personnel enter the campus, they shall all leave their contact information and have their body temperature taken. Those with body temperature of 37.5°C or higher are not allowed to enter the campus.

  • 洽公者需出示身分及相關證明文件(如開會通知、邀請函、電郵、訪客證、工作證或其他證明等文件,得採紙本或影像檔方式),無證明文件者由受訪單位派員至進出口確認身分後始得進入。

Visitors for business need to show their identification and related supporting documents (such as meeting notices, invitation letters, emails, visitor cards, work permits, or other proof, etc., which may be in paper or video forms). Those without supporting documents will only be able to enter after the identity being confirmed by the visited unit at the entrance.

餐廳 Restaurants

  • 校內所有販售飲食餐廳改以外帶形式。

All food sold by the restaurants on campus will be only allowed to take away.

  • 暫停提供餐廳座位用餐區。

All the restaurant seating and dining areas will be temporarily closed.

健康管理 Health management

  • 所有教職員工生入校前,請確實量測體溫並雙手酒精消毒。

Before entering the school, all faculty and staff members please check their body temperature and sanitize their hands with alcohol.

  • 體溫37.5°C以上者不入校,可申請防疫隔離假返家休息或儘速就醫。

Those with a body temperature of 37.5°C or higher do not enter the school, and can apply for a quarantine leave to return home to rest or seek medical attention as soon as possible.

  • 與確診個案活動史有相同足跡者,請主動通報衛生保健組(03-6102247宋組長),經防疫小組評估確認後,可申請防疫隔離假在家進行自主健康管理監測。

Those who have been to the same locations with the confirmed cases’ history of activity, please take the initiative to report to the Student Health Section (Ms. Song, Section Chief 03-6102247). After being assessed and confirmed by the epidemic prevention team, they can apply for an epidemic prevention and isolation leave to conduct independent health management monitoring at home.

場館管理 Facility Management

  • 即日起體育館及健身房暫停開放。

The stadium and gymnasium will be temporarily closed from now on.

  • 即日起圖書館暫停開放自習室及閱覽室,僅提供借還書籍。

From this time forth, the study rooms and reading rooms will be temporarily closed at the library that only allowed books to be borrowed and returned.


The above-mentioned measures will be adjusted at any time in accordance with the announcement of the Central Epidemic Command Center. All faculty, staff members and students are requested to cooperate with the above-mentioned epidemic prevention measures.


Once again, remind everyone that you should wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, and maintain social distancing from others when you go out as the epidemic is severe. Also, pay attention to whether there are any suspected symptoms such as fever, respiratory symptoms, diarrhea, anosmia (the loss of the ability to detect smells and taste), ageusia (the loss of taste functions of the tongue), etc. If you have suspected symptoms, you should wear a medical mask, go to the nearby hospital in your community for medical treatment as soon as possible, and you should not take any public transportation. When seeking medical treatment, you should actively inform the contact history, travel history, occupational exposure and whether other people around you have similar symptoms. After then, wear a medical mask while returning home and avoiding going out.


Epidemic Prevention Team of

Yuanpei University of Medical Science and Technology
